Tag: World Health Organization

School Reopening Update & COVID-19 Resources


The King’s Christian School is pleased to announce school will open September 9 with normal school hours, increased cleaning, frequent sanitation, and masks required. [Details of the Aug. 24 update]

Testing Updates

SAT Update ~ Registration for all SAT tests is open for all students. SAT will provide weekend SAT or SAT Subject Test administrations every month through the end of the calendar year, beginning in August. This includes a new SAT administration on September 26 and a new SAT Subject Test administration for international students on November 7. [Free online resources  | More information]


Reliable information about coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is available from these websites:

FEMA publishes a useful web page to dispel rumors regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit Coronavirus Rumor Control.

You can also stay updated through Google’s coronavirus website.