Bible Reference

bible pathfinder

Answers in Genesis
Believing it. Defending it. Proclaiming it.

Bible Gateway
Over 25 English language translations of the Bible as well as Spanish, Chinese and more (no longer offers the 1984 NIV)
A great source of Biblical and Christian information about the issues we face today

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL)
Making classic Christian literature widely available and promoting its use for edification and study by interested Christians, seekers and scholars.

Christian History Institute
Excellent source of Christian and church history

David’s Bible Megasite
Read the 1984 NIV Bible

Got Questions Ministries
Provides biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions

ICR ~ That’s a Fact
Video shorts from the Institute for Creation Research

Institute for Creation Research
Check out Resources for Students

The NTS Library
Regularly updated, non-denominational collection representing a diverse selection of theological positions for the purpose of providing the reader with information on different positions

Princeton Theological Commons
A digital library of 79,332 open access books and periodicals on theology and religion, including 29,730 volumes from the Princeton Theological Seminary Library Christian Search Engine
Searches solid, evangelical Christian websites only
Source of the 1984 NIV Bible and many more Bibles and study resources

Virtual Religion Index
Analyzes & highlights important content of religion-related websites to speed research

Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Theology/Religion
A selective, annotated guide to a wide variety of electronic resources of interest to those who are involved in the study and practice of religion